Dentus perfectus - what is all on 4?

All on 4 dental implant technique

All on 4 dental implant technique is a concept of dental restoration treatment. Dental implants are being used as a result of toothless situation that involves placing four implants in the jaw bone. This technique helps us to create fixed dental bridge in the next 24 hours. Furthermore, this  method is known as revolutionary all on 4 dental implants method. It is revolutionary because of reduced number of required implants. Prior to previously 6-8 dental implants needed for a fixed dental bridge. All on 4 dental implant technique process is achievable in almost 24 hours. As a final result patient has recovered his dental situation with chewing function and aesthetically pleasing result.

Who can be a candidate for All on 4 dental technique?

First of all there are two situations that are successfully solved with all in 4 dental implants technique. All in 4 dental implant technique is primary for patients who have toothless jaw bone. Also probably problem with vomiting irritation. Another situation that makes candidates for all on 4 method are patients that has remaining teeth which cannot be repaired. Finally, those teeth are removed before placement of all on 4 dental implant technique.

All on 4 dental implant is for patients toothlessness situations. All on 4 procedure is fast and it could be done in 24 hours.

All on 4 dental implant technique – Implantation

All on 4 dental implant technique is scheduled in the morning. It takes to 24hours laps time from preparation time to place a temporary bridge. After the 24 hours, so to say the next day, the end result will be seen. Furthermore, All on 4 dental implant technique is done under local anesthesia and lasts probably 120-180 minutes. Also it includes teeth extraction there is also modeling of the jaw ridge step in process.

Modeling of jaw bone levels the jaw bone line due to functionality and aesthetics of the dental bridge. Furthermore, 4 dental implants will be placed below the jaw bone line. Multi-unit abutments are fixed on them. Afterwards the dental implants are being fixed on the dental bridge.

Dentus perfectus - all on 4 - temporary bridge

All on 4 dental implant technique – temporary bridge

Finally, after multi-unit abutment fixation in All on 4 dental implant technique, jaw bone print is taken. Inter-jaw data is determined so that our dentist could successfully make temporary All on 4 dental implant bridge.

First few hours after the procedure patient needs to try temporary bridge to outlay shape and size of teeth. Furthermore, next day temporary bridge is bolted to the implants. So the first phase of all on 4 dental implant procedure is finished. Also, temporary bridge is made of acrylic and you will wear it for next six months.

All on 4 dental implants and bridge – after care. Above all hygiene and cleaning is specific and differs from cleaning techniques of natural teeth. Dental bridge consists of one piece and has no space between teeth. It needs to be cleaned as a one unit. All available surfaces of the bridge must be cleaned with toothpaste. Another step is cleaning the areas around the implants with oral shower (Waterpik or Philips Airfloss). It can reach the basal side of the bridge that is connected to the gums. Likewise, in dental implant care it is important to regularly use dental floss. Use it to clean even more space between gums and bridge. Also, use mouthwash that does not contain alcohol, to disinfect oral cavity.

We advise patients to book regularly check-ups. We do so in order that dental bridge can be removed and professionally cleaned and polished.

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All on 4 dental implant technique – planning

All on 4 dental implant technique was created to posterior all parts of the jaw. Due to resorption of the jaw bone and proximity of anatomical structures. Therefore to get enough jaw bone volume for dental implants we need to perform augmentation.

In contrast to the All on 4 dental implant technique where they are mounted vertically. In the central part of the jaw bone, on the second place. After that posterior dental implants are mounted at the angle of 30 – 45 degrees. As a result implant protrudes from jaw bone in place of the second premolar. Importantly, because of this kind of implant placement we circumvent critical areas, for instance maxillary sinus in upper jaw and mandibular nerve in lower jaw.

Furthermore, procedure needs 3D CBCT jaw record data because of planning. After that we can position implant precisely due to volume and density of the jaw bone. Another requirement is primary stability of the implant. Due to length, shape and surface in contrast to the bone quality on the other side, most importantly implant stability is achieved. We need all these factors to make temporary dental implant bridge in the 24 hours.

Dentus Perfectus dental clinique in All on 4 dental implant technique uses Nobel Active and Neodent GM implants.

All on 4 dental implants durability

Finally, dental implants after placement and recovery goes through osseointegration. As a result implants become part of body and remain permanently in the jaw bone. In contrast, implant bridge needs to be changed after 10 years, due to changes on the surrounding tissue.

Dentus perfectus - all on 4 - installation stages

All on 4 dental implant technique – permanent bridge

Once the dental implant placement is done, patient waits for 6 months. Afterwards, dental bridge is being made. This period of 6 months is necessary for the jaw tissue to become stable. Finally, the change from having a temporary bridge to having a permanent one is easy and painless. After removal of temporary bridge we take the imprint of the jaw bone.

Moreover there are also four dental appointments that are required for permanent bridge making. It takes first two arrivals in two days. Then it takes two arrivals after two weeks. In the meantime while the permanent bridge is being in process, patient wears temporary bridge. We have to make sure in this period that everything fits perfectly. So we need this time to make the final adjustments.

Dental implant permanent bridge making materials

Dental implant permanent bridge is made of hybrid metal acrylate, metal composite, metal ceramic and zirconia. Dental bridge connects together with dental implants. Bridge construction has holes to hold the screws. The construction is made out of metal or zircon. Model is made and gets digitalized by scanning procedure. After that construction is computerized.

Metal construction of the dental implants is made using 3D printer. This technique provides probably most accurate structure without internal tension of metals. Also, metals are formed by the classical casting process due to large thermal oscillation. Zircon construction is obtained by zirconia ceramic block.

Ceramic and composite materials

Aesthetic material that is applied to the construction can be composite or ceramic. Composite is hybrid material obtained by mixing ceramic particles into polymer resins which is plastic. As a result we get the best from both materials. So ceramic particles gives material the strength it needs, resistance and aesthetics in contrast to polymer resins. Polymer resins provide handling ease, rapid polymerization and affordable price.

Finally, composite is great material for All on 4 dental implant technique. This method certainly aims for aesthetics and great looks. Also, it absorbs chewing stress. It makes the bridge itself more comfortable. Ceramics is best material for the highest aesthetics requirements, whether applied to metal or zircon construction. Another advantage of zircon construction is 3D color effect because it absorbs light passing through the layers of ceramics.

Dentus perfectus - all on 4 - construction of a permanent bridge

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