All on 4 dental implant technique
All on 4 dental implant technique is a concept of dental restoration treatment. Dental implants are being used as a result of toothless situation that involves placing four implants in the jaw bone. This technique helps us to create fixed dental bridge in the next 24 hours. Furthermore, this method is known as revolutionary all on 4 dental implants method. It is revolutionary because of reduced number of required implants. Prior to previously 6-8 dental implants needed for a fixed dental bridge. All on 4 dental implant technique process is achievable in almost 24 hours. As a final result patient has recovered his dental situation with chewing function and aesthetically pleasing result.
Who can be a candidate for All on 4 dental technique?
First of all there are two situations that are successfully solved with all in 4 dental implants technique. All in 4 dental implant technique is primary for patients who have toothless jaw bone. Also probably problem with vomiting irritation. Another situation that makes candidates for all on 4 method are patients that has remaining teeth which cannot be repaired. Finally, those teeth are removed before placement of all on 4 dental implant technique.
All on 4 dental implant is for patients toothlessness situations. All on 4 procedure is fast and it could be done in 24 hours.